About Medway South PCN

About Medway South PCN

Non-urgent advice: Our goal at Medway South PCN is simple:

to make health care better for every person we serve. 
Quote / Testimonial:
Between us – that’s King George Road Surgery, Reach Healthcare, Stonecross and West Drive Surgery, The Churchill Clinic and Matrix Medical Practice – we listen to our patients and communities to agree on what services and work we can do better together, informed by facts and data as we go.


Our Vision

To support and enhance the quality of life and health for our population in Medway South and grow and develop our staff to promote healthy living. 


Our Mission

To use collaboration and innovation to provide the best care for our community to improve and support patient and staff health and wellbeing.


Our Values




Make a difference 

About Medway South Primary Care Network 

As a network team of GPs, practice managers, health professionals and patient representatives, we use our skills to plan and make services across our GP practices better and stronger.

Some key programmes of work include supporting our local care homes, early cancer diagnosis and supporting patients with learning disabilities. Learn more about the work we are doing together

About Primary Care Networks 

A primary care network is a group of practices who work together to focus on local patient care. They’ve been around since 2019 and 99 per cent of practices across England work as part of one.

With increased demand and a shortage of clinical staff, practices find they can provide greater, more personalised care for patients when they can work together on certain services or issues.

Take a look at this short animation from NHS England which explains how they work.